O'Bheal Instagram

Working with O’Bheal has been one of the highlight of the trip thus far. I always learn so much from Paul Casey and getting to know the inner-workings of an arts organization is extremely interesting and useful. My group in particular was assigned to help O’Bheal through social media marketing. When trying to decipher how we could help O’Bheal’s Twitter and Facebook presence, we thought making an Instagram was a great idea. Instagram allows its users many options that we though could fit O’Bheals needs. First, because they already had a strong set of followers on both Facebook and Twitter, we thought adding a third realm of social media could work because we could link there other accounts to the Instagram making it more accessible for people who use the app. Because Instagram is just a collection of photos, many people enjoy the simplicity of it and it allows for messages to be sent out quickly in an engaging way. We though this would be perfect for O’Bheal because each week they have a 5 word poetry challenge that we could post the words in picture format to remind people to enter. Instagram also allows you to imbed links. This works well for O’Bheal because we can link its website to the pictures so users can go and get more information about the competition.

My group and I created a page and have been posting on it daily in order to attract new followers to the O/Bheal website and Facebook/Twitter. Thus far, we have 130 followers and 7 posts. Each post has been engaging in some way, whether there is an embedded link or words for the competition. We have also been utilizing hashtags in order to attract new poetry lovers in Cork to the page. 

I have learned that running a social media account for an organization is a pretty big undertaking. Coming up with content and posting daily has been a challenge because we are constantly trying to keep up with the demand for images. I’ve also learned that being able to work as a team on this has been amazing. Collaborating and tossing around ideas for posts is truly what has helped us meet our deadlines thus far. I have also learned the importance of having social media to promote an organization. In this day and age most people find clubs and organizations online, so having a healthy online presence can be a game changer for an organization. 

Please Follow O’Bheals Instagram : obheal

For more info visit the website : www.obheal.ie/

Image result for obheal
Photo: www.obheal.ie/


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