Repeal Reflection

To have the opportunity to create a showcase and show it in front of a real audience was both a terrifying and life-changing moment for me. I feel like I have grown from this opportunity so much. While I was so nervous I completely forgot even being in front of the audience I am proud of myself because I think this was a huge step for both my personal and career goals.
The sociopolitical issue I addressed was women’s rights to choice and to safe abortion. I am pro-choice and this is an issue that was very important to me as a woman and human. When I first learned about the 8th Amendment and what women in Ireland had to go through to have access to safe abortions I knew I wanted to create a piece in support of the movement to repeal the amendment. I believe this is not just a women’s issue but a human rights issue. I worked with the Rebels for Choice organization in Cork to highlight their process and share their story.
I learned a lot about myself through this process. First, I learned that I am very nervous to speak in front of groups of people, more so than I thought. I learned that I can do anything I put my mind too though, I was excited when I finished speaking in front of the audience. I learned more about my photography skills as well. While I didn't think of myself as a portrait photographer, I was extremely pleased with how my photos came out. I also learned the importance of collaboration. Without the help of others my project wouldn't have been possible. I collaborated with Ches and Rachel who helped my write the quotes I had. Their handwriting made the display so pleasing. I also collaborated with a printing shop who made my pictures look beautiful. Kaitlin also helped me set up which I am so grateful for!
I integrated an opportunity for dialogue by creating questions for people to consider when coming to look at my piece. During my speech I also called people to have the difficult conversations with people they know or don't know. When people came and looked at my piece I was actually able to have open dialogue about abortion with them which was very powerful. Everyone who opened up to me was pro-choice as well so I wonder how it would have been different if someone had disagreed. I learned that even though a topic like abortion can be difficult to foster communication around, that it is possible and that it can be extremely constructive.
I think that the audience was open with my project and appreciated that I was speaking about an issue that is so prevalent right now in Ireland. I had an amazing conversation with a young man about the 8th and he told me he appreciated my project and that he knew some of the members from Rebels for Choice so that was amazing to hear positive feedback.
I think the biggest way I grew as an artist during this experience was jus the fact that I shared my art with not only the class but with strangers, That was completely new to me and I am so happy I was able to do so. 
I think the only part of my project I would change is just being more confident in my work and being more confident in speaking in front of the crowd. I was actually surprised by how nervous I was.


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