Digital Story Draft

My time in Ireland have taught me many valuable lessons, both as an artist and as a human being. Hopping off the plane in Shannon, Ireland I was worried. Worried that I would feel out of my element, worried that I wouldn't live up to my artistry, worried I would be incredibly homesick. Here I was in a foreign country surrounded with unfamiliar faces. As a creature of habit who doesn't necessarily like change, this was a leap of faith. But this leap turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I remember the first day I explored Cork. Camera in hand, I was in my element capturing moments from behind my sense I felt right at home. 

As a photographer, learning about the art of film processing was a dream. We had the opportunity to to learn the colloidal process from a Irish native Mike Brown. The experience was incredible. We walked into a room with the oldest camera I had ever seen and got the chance to create our own portraits. From the bright, hot reflection of the lights to the smelly chemicals of the dark room, the entire procedure infatuated me. The best part was waiting anxiously surrounding he water bath to see the photo revealed on glass. It was a rush every time. I got to take home a memento from this workshop that I will cherish forever. 

The way I now view my digital photography has changed. I found such delicate beauty in the wet colloidal process that I have tried to replicate in my digital work. Emulating the careful focus on the lighting, the subjects, the time that goes into capturing one moment in time is so much more than just pressing a button. It’s about putting your viewer in the space. Enveloping their senses, pulling out real emotion, taking their attention away from the physical world for just one second as to join myself in the rush and beauty of the River Lee, the Shannon Bell Tower, the winding pathways that Cork city has to offer. The process of photography has changed for me, but my love for my art has grown tremendously. 

My worry about being homesick quickly vanished. I have made sixteen new friends who have inspired me more than they will ever know. Everyones dedication to their art and unapologetic confidence and talent marveled me. This allowed me to fully dive into my photography.

******* all transitions will be faded

******* I have silent videos I will be playing but they won't upload to blogger.... they are on my iMovie


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